We’re kicking off 2021 with another episode of Mosaic Stories. We will continue highlighting interesting people doing extraordinary things within the Mosaic ecosystem. Today we are speaking with Jaison Patel, a 3rd year studying Mechanical Engineering, with a minor in Entrepreneurial Engineering. He is an active member of Mosaic currently serving as the Executive Director of Origin.
Jaison’s Introduction to Mosaic
Jaison came to Northeastern interested in entrepreneurship and joined Mosaic as a freshman via the Entrepreneurs Club. "My venture entered the Husky Startup Challenge. The venture was focused on a mattress software to help medical professionals sleep better so they would be able to feel their best and therefore give their patients the best care." Jaison pitched his idea at Demo Day and met many people from the Mosaic community and beyond.
Getting Involved with Origin
"Going into the Spring of 2019, I continued with my venture as well as joined Origin." Origin focuses on scientific and tech venture incubation. Through his time working his way up in Origin Jaison has not only learned how to manage people but also how to create the right working environment for his team to thrive.
"I have grown a lot, made a lot of new friends, and continue to connect with old friends."
Jaison continues to be impressed with the sense of community found within Mosaic. One of his big goals upon entering Northeastern was to build a community in the entrepreneurship world and Mosaic has given him that opportunity year after year.
“Another great part of Mosaic is that you get to meet people from across disciplines. And it’s not only centered around entrepreneurship, there are organizations from Mosaic where the people running them are from other majors and colleges. There are so many ways to get involved, whether you are interested in business, design, engineering or so many other things. And we all get to network while we are doing what we are passionate about.”
Tips for Starting a Venture
Jaison also had some advice for anyone thinking about starting a venture. "I've started my own venture with the help of Mosaic. You should just get started. Don't wait for the "right time" there is no right time, just start."
One of the benefits of the Mosaic programs is that we give students the chance to actually develop their startup ideas. Jaison took advantage of the ideation process at the Entrepreneurs Club; he knew he wanted to start a business but needed a little jump start.
The Benefits of Mosaic
Jaison has experienced lots of different aspects of Mosaic. From his first meeting at the Entrepreneurs Club to now serving as the Executive Director of Origin, he has made lots of friends and learned some important life lessons along the way.
“All the different people I’ve got to meet through Mosaic has been so meaningful because I get to work with and learn alongside those people every day. We go to lots of the same events, work on the same projects and build a real connection. Meeting these likeminded, passionate, driven individuals has certainly enhanced my college experience.”
To learn more about our organizations and how you can get involved, check out our article on Who is Mosaic.
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